It's a new year! Usually New Year's Eve doesn't have much effect on me. In the past, it has just been a calendar change but this year, something's different. I
did thoroughly enjoy changing my calendar though. It's Barbie vintage. This is a picture of January. Anywho, I have been very inspired to change my life recently. So I have created a list of goals. At the exact same time as
everyone else. Unlike everyone else though, mine isn't really a list of 'goals' because I am definitely going to make them happen. So here's what is going to happen this year. ;)
1. Pursue a photography career
2. Participate in the Capitol 10k
3. Meet new people and make new friends
4. Read my growing pile of books
5. Take a picture a day. {
6. Be financially independent and move out. (No offense to my current roommates. Love you.)
So that's it. And hopefully, there will be a few surprises thrown in there as well. 2010 is going to be a great year!